Reflecting Team Therapy - Explained

Reflecting Team Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that involves a team of therapists observing a therapy session between a client and their primary therapist.

The observing therapists, known as the reflecting team, sit behind a one-way mirror or in another room and provide feedback to the primary therapist.

During the session, the primary therapist and client discuss the client’s concerns, goals, and experiences.

The reflecting team listens to the conversation and then provides their own observations and reflections on what they heard. These reflections are then shared with the client and primary therapist, who can use them to gain new insights into the client’s situation and work toward solutions.

The reflecting team does not offer direct advice or solutions to the client, but instead acts as a “third voice” in the session. They may ask questions, provide alternative perspectives, or challenge assumptions made by the primary therapist or client.

Reflecting Team Therapy is based on the belief that by providing a safe and supportive environment for the client, they can gain new insights and perspectives on their situation. The approach also emphasizes the importance of collaboration between the client, primary therapist, and reflecting team, as they work together to develop new solutions and strategies for addressing the client’s concerns.

The reflecting team

Does not offer direct advice or solutions
Acts as a "third voice"
They may ask questions"
Provide alternative perspectives
Challenge assumptions

Reflecting Team Therapy can be used in a variety of settings, including individual therapy, couples therapy, and family therapy. It is particularly effective in helping clients gain a deeper understanding of their relationship dynamics and patterns of behavior. Overall, Reflecting Team Therapy is a collaborative and reflective approach to psychotherapy that can help clients gain new insights and perspectives on their situation. By working together with a team of therapists, clients can develop new solutions and strategies for addressing their concerns and improving their well-being.
